Hello! I am Jason Lord. I am a senior at Pennsylvania State University studying mechanical engineering. In addition to my studies, I am a researcher with the Pangborn Advanced Controls lab and the webmaster for ASME. When not studying I enjoy going on hikes and spending time with friends. 

Work Experience and Leadership Positions

Pangborn Advanced Controls Lab

Undergraduate Research

01/2020 - Present

At the PAC Lab I am an undergraduate researcher where I am working on models of Coldplates in Fluent and Simulink. The goal of this project is to accurately simulate the effects of a heat source on the cold plate  based on an existing physical model. 

Engineering Design Teaching Assistant


08/2018 - 12/2019

As a teaching Assistant I helped to teach first and second year students how to use SolidWorks for engineering design in all disciplines of engineering. My main responsibilities were to help students solve problems they may face in designs and SolidWorks. I also helped students learn about the design process and best practices when designing and problem-solving. 

ASME Webmaster

ASME at Penn State

03/2020 - Present

In my role, I am in charge of the club website and ensure that mechanical engineering students have access to ASME resources. In addition to the website, I will b organizing the social media account for ASME with Facebook and LinkedIn. As well, I am here to help my fellow executives create events for our fellow mechanical engineering students. 


B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University

06/2017- 05/2021

Relevant courses: Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow, Thermodynamics, Electronics, Measurement, and Statistics, Material Science, Dynamics, Vibrations

Find My Full Resume Below

Jason Lord Resume  Summer 2020

Contact Info

Jason Lord
+610 425 8522
17jlord.stem@gmail.com, jkl5691@psu.edu


During my free time, I enjoy reading and going outside  or playing basketball. I have also started to enjoy hiking and kayaking a lot following a trip to Glacier National Park. Some of my favorite pictures from that trip are on the home page. I hope to see more national parks in the future when the opportunity arises.